Travel assistance & claims

Experiencing a medical emergency abroad can be stressful. For this reason, Saskatchewan Blue Cross has partnered with Blue Cross Travel Assistance Services to ensure our members are well looked after when they fall ill or have an accident outside their home province.

If you are travelling and have experienced an unforeseen illness or accident, contact Blue Cross Travel Assistance Services using the phone numbers below within 24 hours of your medical emergency to open a case. Their first-response team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, ready to offer support when you need it.

If you have an Annual or Individual Travel Plan or a Top-Up Travel Plan
  • Toll-Free within North America 1-833-729-0186 (if unavailable, please call the number below)
  • Collect in all other locations 1-306-518-0145
If you have a VIP Travel or Group/Employer Travel Plan:
  • Toll-Free within North America 1-866-330-3633 (if unavailable, please call the number below)
  • Collect in all other locations 1-306-667-5299

If you are home and need to submit a claim for expenses related to a medical emergency while travelling, you’ll need to complete a travel insurance claim form. All emergency out-of-province/Canada claims are processed and managed by Blue Cross Travel Assistance Services. Their form and instructions for filing a claim can be accessed here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does Saskatchewan Blue Cross use a travel assistance and claims management provider? Icon/UI/plus-circle

Dealing with medical emergencies abroad requires expert assistance. Specialized professionals, nurses, and medical consultants help navigate the complexities of health care in other parts of the world, including geographic location, cultural differences, quality of care, communications, and costs.

Who is your travel assistance and claims management provider and what services do they provide? Icon/UI/plus-circle

We have partnered with Blue Cross Travel Assistance Services for these services. With extensive experience in this space, Blue Cross Travel Assistance Services has developed an impressive network of global partners, such as hospitals, clinics, and air and land carriers, to provide trusted access to medical care and services for our members.

Their skilled professionals will direct you to the nearest medical facility equipped to provide the treatment you need, communicate with your healthcare providers to stay updated on your medical condition, and provide support to travelling companions or family members during your emergency. They will also coordinate direct billing (where possible), and if required arrange transfer to another facility or evacuation home.

Their experienced claims specialists handle each case according to meticulous standards to deliver optimum, timely service, and deal directly with provincial plans and other insurance companies to coordinate benefits and recover funds.

What information will I need to provide when opening a case? What if I am unable to contact them? Icon/UI/plus-circle

Be prepared to provide your policy and/or ID number, date of birth, and important trip information, such as the date you departed and your planned return. You will also be requested to provide a brief description of your medical emergency and confirm your home and travelling contact information.

Should your illness or injury be serious or critical, first seek the urgent medical attention you require. A family member, travelling companion, or treating facility may contact our travel assistance and claims management provider at earliest chance to open a case. If your condition does not require immediate medical attention, we recommend you contact the emergency assistance numbers prior to seeking treatment.

Why has my claim been reduced or denied? Icon/UI/plus-circle

It is important to know and understand the terms of your policy. Most travel policies include important limitations and exclusions, and understanding what is not covered, such as non-emergency care, continuing care, or unstable pre-existing conditions, can be helpful. Our travel assistance and claims management provider is committed to a timely and transparent communication process. If your claim has been reduced or denied, a detailed Explanation of Benefits (EOB) Statement or letter will outline the reasons why.

If you still have questions, you may contact their claims department at one of the following options for additional explanation: 1-800-264-1852 | 1-514-286-8336 |

What if I am unsatisfied with the outcome of my claim? Icon/UI/plus-circle

Our travel assistance and claims management provider is committed to paying eligible claims and exercise a fair review process for handling complaints or appeals. If you are unsatisfied with the outcome of your claim, you may challenge decisions and request additional review citing new information for consideration. A written request outlining the basis for the appeal, along with any additional supporting documentation, should be submitted to their claims department within 90 days from the date of the initial claim decision. The claim will be carefully reviewed, and a written decision and explanation will be provided, in most cases within 30 days from receipt of the appeal.

Please address the appeal as follows and be sure to cite your file number for reference:

Attn: Travel Claims Department
Blue Cross Travel Assistance Services
PO BOX 3888, Station B
Montréal QC  H3B 3L7