Investing in Saskatchewan communities

Envisioning a future where there is equitable access to health and wellness information for everyone, and each person in Saskatchewan understands how to navigate their healthcare effectively.

Building community

Saskatchewan Blue Cross is a not-for-profit organization that puts communities first. We invest meaningfully in increasing health literacy, building community awareness of whole health issues and encouraging social change, so that we can help achieve a future of lifelong health and wellbeing for every person in Saskatchewan.

Our approach

We invest in charitable organizations that empower individuals and communities on their journey to whole health. Our investments typically support two types of organizations: those directly supporting the health of Saskatchewan residents and those providing services and products as part of overall wellness and community.

From prevention, treatment and overall wellness, the organizations we support help ensure Saskatchewan residents have access to the important health-related services and programs they need, and work to advance research in key areas. For Saskatchewan Blue Cross, supporting organizations whose mandates relate to keeping Saskatchewan healthy just makes sense.

What we support


These organizations help ensure Saskatchewan residents have access to the important health-related services and programs they need during challenging times, as well as advancing research in key areas.

Community wellness

We partner with organizations that honour diversity and inclusion, incite joy and playfulness, and provide for those among us who need a helping hand to support wellness in your community.

Request sponsorship

Each year, Saskatchewan Blue Cross supports more than 200 projects, events and organizations that are like-minded in their focus on empowering Saskatchewan residents on their journey to whole health and wellness.

Apply for Support

We Heart Logo

What does a heart mean to you?

For us, it’s our heartfelt commitment to paying it forward. We support like-minded organizations with donations of money, time, energy and spirit. They use our resources to accomplish all kinds of great things, like promoting healthy lifestyles and searching for cures for heart disease, multiple sclerosis and more.

When you see our heart icon, you’ll know it’s promoting a health and wellness cause that we care about. We invite you to support it too.

What our partners say